I am back to mama's house in KL, and I am settling down a lot. I cried a little on the first day, but on the second day I am happier, because there are a lot of nice things to see here. I get to play outdoor most of the time. And there are many nice plants at my poh poh's house, and I love the pretty flowers!
I also get a high chair which I enjoy sitting in it, and sometimes I get little friend accompanying me. Here I don't miss my island home too much because there are many things to do.
Besides the plants and small animal, I also get some friends, there is a beautiful baby Liv staying at my Jiu-Jiu's house, and we had became friend.
Liv has many toys which she brought from Bali, and one day I was playing with them, I got attacked by her komodo dragon!
The French dragon french kissed me with it's venomous tongue!
Phew, no wonder they say it's a jungle out there! My adventure didn't end here, papa and mama took me to see a doctor and saying that I need my vaccine again, but this time I didn't cry as much as I was last time, and mama said I am such a brave boy and papa said he is very proud of me!
wow 4 mths old he sits very well!!clever boy
hehehe, mama say that is because I have got a wide base like her...
Hey! It is not a french dragon! It is a Komodo Dragon...Liv has been training him to kiss everyone!
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